This site contains information on the GAMM activity group on Optimization with Partial Differential Equations of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, GAMM).
The activity group organizes the interdisciplinary collaboration of mathematicians, engineers and scientists from all fields related to Optimization with PDE constraints. It supports the development of new theories, methods and algorithms as well as application-oriented research on topics related to engineering, science and economics. Its aims are to ensure that German and European scientists dealing with our topic Optimization with PDE constraints are integrated in the best possible way, as well as to establish, develop and strengthen contacts to other research groups related to the field of Optimization with PDE constraints.
Missions of the group are to:
- organize relevant GAMM Workshops
- organize conferences in Oberwolfach and Dagstuhl
- offer mini-symposia in the framework of important congresses
- establish a co-operation with SIAM
- publish relevant proceedings
The committee of the activity group currently consists of
- Anton Schiela (speaker)
- Gerd Wachsmuth (vice speaker)
- To become a member, subscribe to the activity group's mailing list. Becoming a member requires approval.
- To resign your membership, unsubscribe from the list.
- To get in touch with all members, simply send mail to (membership or approval of your message is required).
- list of all members of the activity group