Statues of the GAMM Activity Group on Optimization with Partial Differential Equations
1. Aims of the activity group:
The activity group supports the communication and collaboration of all persons or groups
involved in scientific and industrial research with an interest in "Optimization with PDE
constraints". It exclusively and directly pursues scientific objectives which contribute to
the promotion, spreading and application of the research field "Optimization with PDE
constraints". The activity group represents the research field "Optimization with PDE
constraints" within the GAMM and collaborates with similarly oriented organizations in
Germany and abroad. More detailed information is provided on the websites.
2. Membership:
Anyone interested in "Optimization with PDE constraints" can become a member of the
activity group. Applications for admission shall be sent to the executive committee which
will make a decision on acceptance. Membership is terminated either by resignation or
exclusion. A member who has offended the aims of the committee or damaged its reputation
can be excluded by the executive committee.
3. Organizational structure of the activity group:
The general meeting and the executive committee are the organizational instruments of
the activity group. A general meeting shall be held at least once every two years. Each
member present is entitled to vote. The general meeting reaches a quorum independently of
the number of members present. The executive board is elected by the general meeting and
consists of one spokesperson and at least one deputy spokesperson. Both serve for a three-year
term. The general meeting may elect additional deputy spokespersons. Candidates receiving
the most votes will be elected. Only GAMM members can be elected into the executive committee.
4. Modifications:
These regulations can be modified by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the
general meeting.
5. Dissolution of the activity group:
The activity group can be dissolved by the GAMM executive committee or by a
two-thirds majority of the general meeting.
6. Interim regulation:
The election of the first executive committee was held in Hamburg on March 27, 2008.
The executive committee is authorized to amend the regulations. The next election for
the executive committee will be held in 2011. The (new) term of office begins with the day of election.