Thomas Wick
Institut für Angewandte MathematikLeibniz Universität Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover, Germany
wick ' at '
Winnifried Wollner
Universität HamburgBundesstr. 55
20146 Hamburg, Germany
winnifried.wollner ' at '
Former Maintainer:
- Christian Goll: Maintainer from 2009—2015.
- Seshadri Basava: Gradient robust discretization.
- Bernhard Endtmayer: Phase-field fracture.
- Michael Geiger: Parts of the documentation and examples on plasticity.
- Masoud Ghaderi: Parts of the documentation.
- Daniel Jodlbauer: Parallelization.
- Uwe Köcher: Makefile compatibility.
- Francesco Ludovici: Parts of the documentation.
- Matthias Maier: Change to CMake build system.
- Katrin Mang: Rothe-method for non-stationary problems, phase-field fracture.
- Mirjam Walloth: Error estimation for non-stationary problems.