Activities (highlights)
- Feb 2025: Compatibility with deal 9.6.0
- Jan 2024: Added Installation Scripts for deal.II
- Jul 2023: Compatibility with deal 9.5.0
- Jul 2022: Compatibility with deal 9.4.0
- Jul 2021: Several new Examples included (Gradient robust methods, phase-field fracture)
- Oct 2020: Compatibility with deal 9.3.0 - compatibility with deal 8.3 and earlier no longer guaranteed
- May 2020: Compatibility with deal 9.2.0
- Aug 2019: Compatibility with deal 9.1.1
- Jan 2019: Rothe-Method for time dependent problems
- Oct 2018: Integration of parallelization from deal.II
for stationary PDE solvers
- Jun 2018: Compatibility with deal 9.0.0
- Apr 2017: Fifth developer meeting in Darmstadt
- Mar 2017: DOpElib developer version is now available via git
- Jan 2016: Release of DOpElib 3.0
- Dec 2014: Fourth developer meeting in Linz
- Oct 2014: Release of DOpElib 2.0
- Jul 2014: Presentation at PDESoft 2014
- Dec 2013: Release of DopElib 1.0
- May 2013: Public talk at HGS/IWR Heidelberg
- May 2013: Third user meeting in Heidelberg
- May 2012: Second user meeting in Heidelberg
- Jan 2012: First user meeting in Hamburg
- Aug 2010: Presentation of the concept and first
results at the deal.II workshop in Heidelberg
- May 2009: Start of the project
Publications Referencing DOpElib
(A recent list of
references in google scholar)
- T. Wick, W. Wollner
Optimization with nonstationary, nonlinear monolithic fluid-structure interaction,
Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. (2020)
- B. Endtmayer, U. Langer, T. Wick
Two-Side a Posteriori Error Estimates for the Dual-Weighted Residual Method,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 42(1), pp. A371-A394 (2020)
- V. Anaya , Z. de Wijn, B. Gómez-Vargas, D. Mora, R. Ruiz-Baier
Rotation-Based Mixed Formulations for an Elasticity-Poroelasticity Interface Problem,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 42(1), pp. B225-B249 (2020)
- B. Endtmayer, U. Langer, I. Neitzel, T. Wick, W. Wollner
Multigoal-oriented optimal control problems with nonlinear PDE constraints,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79(10), pp. 3001-3026 (2020)
- K. Mang, T. Wick, W. Wollner
A phase-field model for fractures in nearly incompressible solids,
Computational Mechanics 65, pp. 61-78 (2020)
- B.S.M. Ebna Hai, M. Bause, P. Kuberry
Modeling and simulation of Ultrasonic Guided Waves propagation in the fluid-structure domain by a monolithic approach,
Journal of Fluids and Structures 88, pp 100-121(2019)
- B.S.M. Ebna Hai, M. Bause, P. Kuberry
Modeling concept and numerical simulation of ultrasonic wave propagation in a moving fluid-structure domain based on a monolithic approach,
Applied Mathematical Modelling 75, pp. 916-939 (2019)
- B.S.M. Ebna Hai, M. Bause
Numerical study and comparison of alternative time discretization schemes for an ultrasonic guided wave propagation problem coupled with fluid–structure interaction,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78(9), pp. 2867-2885 (2019)
- B. Endtmayer, U. Langer, I. Neitzel, T. Wick, W. Wollner
Mesh adaptivity and error estimates applied to a regularized p ‐Laplacian constrainted optimal control problem for multiple quantities of interest,
PAMM (2019)
- K. Mang, M. Walloth, T. Wick, W. Wollner
Mesh adaptivity for quasi‐static phase‐field fractures based on a residual‐type a posteriori error estimator,
GAMM Mitteilungen 43(1) (2019)
- T. Wick, W. Wollner
On the Differentiability of Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems with Respect to the Problem Data,
J. Math. Fluid Mech. 21 (2019)
- I. Neitzel, W. Wollner
A Priori L2-Discretization Error Estimates for the State in Elliptic Optimization Problems with Pointwise Inequality State Constraints,
Numer. Math. 138(2), pp. 273-299 (2018)
- B.S.M. Ebna Hai, M. Bause
Finite Element Approximation of Fluid‐Structure Interaction with Coupled Wave Propagation,
PAMM 17 (2017)
- F. Ludovici
Numerical analysis of parabolic optimal control problems with restrictions on the state and its first derivative,
PhD Thesis, TU Darmstadt (2017)
- C. Goll, T. Wick, W. Wollner
DOpElib: Differential Equations and Optimization Environment; A Goal Oriented Software Library for Solving PDEs and Optimization Problems with PDEs,
Archive of Numerical Software (ANS) 5(2), pp. 1-14 (2017)
- I. Neitzel, T. Wick, W. Wollner
An Optimal Control Problem Governed by a Regularized Phase-Field Fracture Propagation Model,
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55(4), pp. 2271-2288 (2017)
- C. Goll
Design of numerical methods for simulation models of a solid oxide fuel cell, PhD. Thesis, Heidelberg (2015)
- T. Carraro, C.Goll, A. Marciniak-Czochra, A. Mikelic
Effective interface conditions for the forced infiltration of a viscous fluid into a porous medium using homogenization,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 292, pp. 195-220 (2015)
- M. Hintermüller, A. Schiela, W. Wollner
The Length of the Primal-Dual Path in Moreau-Yosida-based Path-following for State Constrained Optimal Control, SIAM J. Optim. 24(1), pp. 108-126 (2014)
- T. Reis, W. Wollner
Finite-Rank ADI Iteration for Operator Lyapunov Equations, SIAM J. Control Optim., 51(5), 4084-4117 (2013)
- T. Carraro, C.Goll, A. Marciniak-Czochra, A. Mikelic
Pressure jump interface law for the Stokes-Darcy coupling: Confirmation by direct numerical simulations,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 732, pp. 510-536 (2013)
- T. Richter, T. Wick
Optimal Control and Parameter Estimation for Stationary Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 35(5), pp. B1085-B1104 (2013)
- T. Wick
Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction with Application to Heart-Valve Dynamics, PhD. Thesis, Heidelberg (2011)